Monday 28 February 2011

February babies

Here comes the February Babe!!! XD
We went to celebrate our big big day in Harvest Inn..
A pretty comfortable place...grey-ly place...haha
My favourite peach tea..niceeee
the 9th Feb
Jie Yuan and her Koh Sa Mui Chicken
the 17th Feb
Sweetie Sing May and her Oat Butter Chicken
Finally, the 19th Feb
its me and my Honey Butter Chicken...Yummy
Look at her!!!! Hng...LOL
we forced the busy waitress to take this pic for us :P
We both owned the same shade!!! hehe

I look like a little monster in this pic...XD
Love you guys...muaxxx

Xian xian 20th BD

Its my 20th birthday!!!
I am now 2o and no more a teenager...sad sad...
No matter how, I enjoying collecting presents from my dear friends...:P

This is my cakes...haha...yumm yumm blueberry!!!
Birthday card from my college's frens...The Copy Neko Gang
Another hand made bd card from friends^^
Lovely shoes from copy gang!!!

Beautiful hand made dragon fly...look real ya:P

Friday 4 February 2011

Happy Chinese New Year ;)

It was the Lunar New Year!!!
Yippy =D
Red red angpao....Red red clothes...and some more red red decorations...
I am wondering why it is not pink??? Whatever...
This year is a pretty different CNY for my family because my grandma pass away last year and we cannot go to "beg" for some angpao...
No logic explanations...This is the tradition...
But...we have a different plan for this year...
First, we went to Gurney Drive and then headed to 1st Avenue...Oh ya...we brought Mimi along...FUN!!!
Later, we went to Penang Plaza to join my granduncle's birthday celebration...What a lucky man he is^^

Sissy and Mimi in the car
and Mimi met her new friend while exploring the Gurney Drive
Toilet life for moi n ma soeur

xian xian and her cute little mama
Hey...mama...look at the camera please....T.T
My 2 cousin of homour
The must of CNY...Yu Shang
Everyone says...HUAT ar...means prosperity...

after that HUAT...the beautiful Yu Shang became....
papa and uncle
Pinkish lychee desert...I'm lovin it...
My sis that never smile at the camera...><...but I still captured!!!
Another sissy that have a pair of panda SMOKY eyes...hehe
I bought a lovely mirror at Vincee...nice ^^
and I call it...Purple berrix ;)
I'm lovin it...muaxxx

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Norbell's Birthday Party

Its Sweet Yan birthday party!!!
What a beautiful name :)
Everyone dressed up so nice that night and we headed to a really heritage feel restaurant!!!
so...Lets the photo do the rest of the job...=P
All of us ^^